
The taking over of historic cars and their transport requires high specialization as well as knowledge of the characteristics of each individual car; once the mandate has been acquired, our staff carries out a detailed study, starting from research that is carried out in the archives to reconstruct both the history of the car and to detect the characteristics of the model to be transported.

The historic car must be treated in all phases of transport with experience and professionalism, with particular attention to be paid in the loading and unloading phases.

At the request of the Customer, our staff is available at the place of departure of the car to check the documentation or inspect the car.
Cars over 75 years old are catalogued by the Ente dei Beni Culturali as “protected assets”.

RPM Logistic System boasts accreditation from the Body: this allows us to proceed with the request and related release of authorizations for the transport and customs clearance of these vehicles.


Recommended for fast and cheap deliveries, without sacrificing quality of service.

Shipping by sea is one of the most used methods. Our network allows us to quickly administer shipments by choosing the ideal route according to the goods handled.

With us, naval transport is simple because we carry out all shipping operations and customs procedures directly with our staff.


The best solution for safe and fast long-haul delivery.

The air transport of goods and cargo has been a guarantee for years, in fact it offers maximum product safety during transport and unbeatable speed for deliveries, from short trips to intercontinental routes.

From a commercial point of view, it is also an opportunity to open new market paths towards countries previously considered very difficult to reach.
The issuance of the AWB document is taken care of directly by us.

via aerea

Il trasporto via terra è utile per consegne nazionali o internazionali, limitate però ai paesi limitrofi.
I diversi vantaggi, tra i quali la consegna diretta al cliente finale e il consolidamento dei rapporti commerciali grazie a viaggi sicuri e tracciati, permettono al trasporto via terra di rimanere in molti paesi uno dei motodi di trasporto merci più utilizzato.
Ci occupiamo anche dei trasporti espressi e dedicati in tutta europa.

Consigliato per consegne veloci ed economiche, senza però rinunciare alla qualità del servizio.
Il trasporto via mare è uno dei metodi più utilizzati. La nostra rete ci permette di amministrare celermente le spedizioni scegliendo la tratta ideale a seconda della merce gestita.
Con noi il trasporto navale è semplice perchè espletiamo, direttamente con il nostro personale, tutte le operazioni di spedizione e le pratiche doganali.
Se avete problemi di spazio il container verra’ posizionato presso i nostri magazzini italiani o svizzeri.

La soluzione migliore per una consegna su lungo raggio sicura e veloce.
Il trasporto aereo di beni e merci è da anni una garanzia: infatti offre la massima sicurezza dei prodotti durante il trasporto e una velocità imbattibile per le consegne, dai piccoli viaggi fino alle tratte intercontinentali. Da un punto di vista commerciale è anche un’occasione per aprire nuove vie di mercato verso paesi prima ritenuti molto difficili da raggiungere.
L’emissione del documento AWB viene curato direttamente da noi.

Siamo specializzati in trasporti di autovetture importanti moderne e d’epoca in tutto il mondo.


The taking over of historic cars and their transport requires high specialization as well as knowledge of the characteristics of each individual car; once the mandate has been acquired, our staff carries out a detailed study, starting from research that is carried out in the archives to reconstruct both the history of the car and to detect the characteristics of the model to be transported.

The historic car must be treated in all phases of transport with experience and professionalism, with particular attention to be paid in the loading and unloading phases.

At the request of the Customer, our staff is available at the place of departure of the car to check the documentation or inspect the car.

Cars over 75 years old are catalogued by the Ente dei Beni Culturali as “protected assets”. RPM Logistic System boasts accreditation from the Body: this allows us to proceed with the request and related release of authorizations for the transport and customs clearance of these vehicles.


Recommended for fast and cheap deliveries, without sacrificing quality of service.
Shipping by sea is one of the most used methods.

Our network allows us to quickly administer shipments by choosing the ideal route according to the goods handled.

With us, naval transport is simple because we carry out all shipping operations and customs procedures directly with our staff.


The best solution for safe and fast long-haul delivery.
The air transport of goods and cargo has been a guarantee for years, in fact it offers maximum product safety during transport and unbeatable speed for deliveries, from short trips to intercontinental routes.

From a commercial point of view, it is also an opportunity to open new market paths towards countries previously considered very difficult to reach.

The issuance of the AWB document is taken care of directly by us.


Il trasporto via terra è utile per consegne nazionali o internazionali, limitate però ai paesi limitrofi.
I diversi vantaggi, tra i quali la consegna diretta al cliente finale e il consolidamento dei rapporti commerciali grazie a viaggi sicuri e tracciati, permettono al trasporto via terra di rimanere in molti paesi uno dei motodi di trasporto merci più utilizzato.
Ci occupiamo anche dei trasporti espressi e dedicati in tutta europa.

Consigliato per consegne veloci ed economiche, senza però rinunciare alla qualità del servizio.
Il trasporto via mare è uno dei metodi più utilizzati. La nostra rete ci permette di amministrare celermente le spedizioni scegliendo la tratta ideale a seconda della merce gestita.
Con noi il trasporto navale è semplice perchè espletiamo, direttamente con il nostro personale, tutte le operazioni di spedizione e le pratiche doganali.
Se avete problemi di spazio il container verra’ posizionato presso i nostri magazzini italiani o svizzeri.

La soluzione migliore per una consegna su lungo raggio sicura e veloce.
Il trasporto aereo di beni e merci è da anni una garanzia: infatti offre la massima sicurezza dei prodotti durante il trasporto e una velocità imbattibile per le consegne, dai piccoli viaggi fino alle tratte intercontinentali. Da un punto di vista commerciale è anche un’occasione per aprire nuove vie di mercato verso paesi prima ritenuti molto difficili da raggiungere.
L’emissione del documento AWB viene curato direttamente da noi.

Siamo specializzati in trasporti di autovetture importanti moderne e d’epoca in tutto il mondo.


They occupy a very important role in the forwarder’s business.

Our offices make use of the domiciled customs procedure, and through our highly qualified staff we carry out directly all kinds of customs operations.

RPM also belongs to a network with worldwide presence specialized in customs declarations.


They occupy a very important role in the forwarder’s business.

Our offices make use of the domiciled customs procedure, and through our highly qualified staff we carry out directly all kinds of customs operations.
RPM also belongs to a network with worldwide presence specialized in customs declarations.


A specialization that distinguishes us among all shipping companies is that we offer car tests and registration services, both in Switzerland and in Italy.

The registration service is complete with all the bureaucratic procedures for carrying out the procedures necessary for the delivery of the vehicle to be “turnkey”. This includes the deregistration of the license plate, customs clearance, testing and registration in the new country.

In Italy and Switzerland, these activities are carried out directly by our staff, while in other countries we entrust correspondents who perform the same functions.


A specialization that distinguishes us among all shipping companies is that we offer car tests and registration services, both in Switzerland and in Italy.
The registration service is complete with all the bureaucratic procedures for carrying out the procedures necessary for the delivery of the vehicle to be “turnkey”.

This includes the deregistration of the license plate, customs clearance, testing and registration in the new country.

In Italy and Switzerland, these activities are carried out directly by our staff, while in other countries we entrust correspondents who perform the same functions.


Our experience in the automotive field has allowed us to choose the best Swiss insurance companies that apply “all risks” coverage.

We are able to cover all risks, bar none. Your cars remain undercover during storage and during door-to-door transport.


We have a car depot at the Chiasso office, and through our Italian Carcierge office we offer a series of air-conditioned and dehumidified private car depot services, equipped with 24-hour surveillance.


Our experience in the automotive field has allowed us to choose the best Swiss insurance companies that apply “all risks” coverage.

We are able to cover all risks, bar none. Your cars remain undercover during storage and during door-to-door transport.


We have a car depot at the Chiasso office, and through our Italian Carcierge office we offer a series of air-conditioned and dehumidified private car depot services, equipped with 24-hour surveillance.


Entrust your car to us and relax!